Free-vMware training videos-and notes-myitfriends-001

By doing vMware we can save money, racks, spaces etc.

What is Hypervisor?


Instead of an operating system, we can load a thin layer of software on hardware is known as a hypervisor.It's a generic word.vMware called it as vmvisor and Microsoft called it Hyper V.

What is Bare metal Virtualization ?

Bare metal virtualization

On the top of the hypervisor, we can create virtualized computers.It maps the processor, RAM, hard disk, NIC etc of a real machine to here.So we are calling it virtual processor, virtual RAM, Virtual HDD, Virtual NIC etc.

Likewise, we can create multiple virtual machines.such as vm1,vm2,vm3 etc depends up on the power of the underlying hardware.

In addition to that, we can install operating systems such as windows 8, windows server 2012 etc.And these operating systems are then known as guest operating system.Because VM is the host and operating system are the guest.These are the common concept of a recommended virtualization at the professional environment.

We can create machines in that we can add multiple virtual machines.In a data center, there will be a collection of physical machines and lot of virtual machines on it.And these are working in collaboration.vMvisor is introduced by the company vMware.It's a software component of hypervisor for virtualization.

What is Hosted Virtualization ?

Hosted virtualization

There is another virtualization method.In that we can use normal standard hardware(Laptop, Pc) On that  we can just install the os (windows 7, windows 8 etc..)In that, we can install hypervisor just as a service.Moreover, on top of the hypervisor, we can add VMS and able to install the guest os on it.For this purpose, we can use a software known as vMware workstation.You can download and install to your laptop from vMware official website.

Centralized Management

Suppose if a physical machined is crashed, then what will happen the VMS on it?
We can move VMS to one physical machine to another automatically by doing features such as Disaster Recovery, Fault tolerance etc.We will learn about it on upcoming classes.
