Free Online-Cisco Certifications-CCNP Training-Class 01

ccnp 300-101 training

CCNP Routing and Switching 300-101-Full Course Part 001

After the successful completion of CCNA routing and switching certification, you can start CCNP certifications.It is important to pass CCNA routing and switching, then only you can attend CCNP.You can do different levels of CCNP certification with your desire.

List of Cisco Professional level Certifications.

CCNP Routing and Switching
CCNP Cloud
CCNP Collaboration
CCNP Data Center
CCNP Routing and Switching
CCNP Security
CCNP Service Provider
CCNP Wireless

Suppose, If you would like to do CCNP security, Then initially you need to certify CCNA RS and CCNA Security.Means that  CCNA RS is necessary for higher certifications of Cisco.
There are mainly three papers we need to study to get certify CCNP routing and switching,ccnp certification cost that are given below.

CCNP Certification Cost

1, CCNP Routing

Exam Code is ROUTE 300-101, Recommended Training is Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE).Exam cost is about $300 USD and the   Duration of this exam is about 120 minutes and there may have 45-65 questions.

2,CCNP Switching

Exam code is SWITCH 300-115 
Exam cost is about $300 USD
Duration of this exam is about 120 minutes and there may have 30-40 questions.

3, CCNP T Shoot

Exam Code is TSHOOT 300-135  Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)
 Exam cost is about $300 USD Duration of this examination is about 120 minutes and there may have 15-25 questions.

In these three papers, we can do firstly CCNP Routing or CCNP Switching with our convenience. But we can do CCNP Shoot only after the completion of first two.because we need knowledge about routing and switching.

If we are spending three hrs. per day, then we can finish CCNP route with thirty working days. 

These certifications have validity up to three years.
visit for updates.

Cisco Recertification 

It is very important to take care of certification and recertification.I would like to talk about routing and switching track, suppose if you write ccna routing and switching then its validity will finish when it become three can extend the validity by recertifying ccna or write any paper of ccnp to extend the validity of ccna and ccnp.

To extend the validity of CCNP you can write any papers of CCNP example CCNP Route or CCNP Switch to extend the validity of CCNA and CCNP.

Or You can write CCIE Routing and Switching theory paper to extend the validity of CCNP Routing and Switching Track.

What will happen if the validity of Cisco certification expired?
If your certification expired before the recertification then your certification will be there but the thing is that you can’t use it for recertifying anything you need to start from the beginning. So should care about the validity of Certifications.

If you write there three papers such as CCNP Route, CCNP Switch And CCNP Shoot then only you will get the certificate of CCNP certification like CCNA certificate you got.

The validity of CCIE certification is two years.

Before starting CCNP Route 3000-101 it's good to refresh our knowledge regarding networking Networking Fundamentals

Computer Networking Requirements

1, Clients And Servers.

We need client machines according to users in our enterprise.
Here may have public servers and private servers(for private access)example webserver, email servers.

2, Routers

 We routers to establish routing between different networks.

3, Switches

In CCNP we are dealing with manageable switches
There are mainly two types of switches that are :
a, Layer 2 switch: Only have switching functions.
b, Layer 3 switch: It will support switching functions as well as routing functions.These switches are manageable.Layer three switches also known as multi-layer switches. 
In CCNP class Initially, we are dealing only with Layer two switches.

4, Firewall 

ASA (Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance).It's a network security device.simply we can say firewall.In CCNA Security and CCNP Security, we can deal with ASA.
Previously used Cisco PIX (Private Internet Exchange) Firewall for network security.Now it's not in use.

5, Access Points(Wireless)

In CCNA we mainly studied about SOHO (Small office home office) means in an enterprise where have the number of staff about  25.In CCNP we are dealing with the cooperative network.

6, Cables And Connectors

 We need cables and connectors such as Coaxial, UTP, STP, OFC.

7, Protocols
  Eigrp, OSPF etc..

